50 Years a Mark Master Mason of W. Bro. Peter Mason, PGJD
Garnett Lodge of Mark Master Masons No. 146 Monday 29th November 2021
The Provincial Grand Master, Right Worshipful Brother Keith Alan Beardmore, accompanied by Grand Officers and Acting Provincial Officers attended Garnett Lodge of Mark Master Masons No. 146 on Monday 29th November 2021, to celebrate the 50thAnniversary in Mark Masonry of W. Bro. Peter Mason, PGJD.
The Master, W. Bro David Tattersall opened the Lodge, and after concluding the preliminary business, received a report that the PProvGDC, W. Bro. David Emmerson sought admission into the Lodge.
W. Bro. Emmerson announced that the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master stood without and demanded admission. The Lodge received R.W. Bro. Keith Beardmore, accompanied by R.W. Bro. Keith Hodgson, Provincial Grand Master for the Province of Cumberland and Westmorland, as well as various other Very Worshipful Brother’s, Grand Officers and Acting Provincial Grand Officers.
The Provincial Grand Master was welcomed into the Lodge by the Worshipful Master, who offered him the gavel, which R.W. Bro. Beardmore graciously accepted and proceeded to take the Chair. The Provincial Grand Master welcomed the brethren and also introduced his colleague the Provincial Grand Master of Cumberland and Westmorland, Right Worshipful Brother Keith Hodgson. Salutations were then given.
The main business of the meeting then commenced; the celebration of 50 years as a Mark Master Mason of W. Bro. Peter Mason, PGJD. The Provincial Grand Master proceeded to give a report of W. Bro Mason’s personal life and achievements, as well as his extraordinary masonic resume.
W. Bro. Peter Mason was born in the village of Halton, Lancashire on 3rd February 1941. Whilst at school Peter was academically outstanding, and he also had hobbies which he excelled in, including cycling, scouting and swimming. Peter represented Lancaster Schoolboys and Lancashire Schoolboys in swimming, as well as undertaking scouting trips throughout Europe.
Peter became a qualified mechanical engineer. Aged 19, he met Joyce, whom he married in 1966. Peter and Joyce have a son; Christopher, a daughter; Sarah as well as two grandchildren; Alfie and Aimee.
Peter became a freemason in 1970, being initiated into Silverdale Lodge No. 6926, becoming Worshipful Master in 1982. His Craft Masonic career saw him rise to the position of Group Chairman and also receiving the Grand Rank of PJGD. Peter was advanced as a Mark Master Mason into the Garnett Lodge No. 146 on 29th November 1971, becoming Worshipful Master in 1986, holding the Office for 2 years. Throughout his time, he was determined not only to rebuild the Lodge, but also research and publish its rather complex and at times controversial history. Peter was appointed to Grand Rank in 1993, being promoted to PGJD in 2001. He has also received Grand Rank in Royal Ark Mariner, the Allied Masonic Degrees and PGSN in the Royal Arch, of which he was until recently, the Deputy Grand Superintendent in the Royal Arch Province of Cumberland and Westmorland.
‘Peter, you are truly a Mason by name, and a Mason by nature.’
The Assistant Provincial Grand Secretary, W. Bro. Michael Pinckard then read two celebratory certificates. The first from Grand Mark Lodge, and the second from The Provincial Grand Mark Lodge of West Lancashire, both congratulating W. Bro. Mason on his 50 Years as a Mark Master Mason. The brethren then gave the appropriate salutations to the celebrant.
The Worshipful Master resumed his rightful place in the Lodge, thanked the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master for his attendance and presented him with a charity cheque for the amount of £400. R.W. Bro. Beardmore thanked both the Worshipful Master and brethren of Garnett Mark.
The Social Board was a happy and convivial gathering with all the brethren in attendance clearly enjoying the occasion. In proposing the toast to his health, W. Bro John Heaton touched upon W. Bro Mason’s Professional life, as well as his freemasonry, hobbies and interests. W. Bro. Mason responded by further expanding upon some of the details and stories that had been told both in the Lodge and at the Festive Board. His passion and dedication for freemasonry in general and Mark Masonry in particular was clear for all to see. On behalf of the Lodge, the Worshipful Master presented W. Bro. Mason with a bottle of single malt whiskey as well as a 50 Years Mark Lapel pin, which Peter could wear with pride at his Mark meetings. His wife Joyce had also received a bouquet of flowers on behalf of the Lodge for all of the support she had given Peter throughout the years.
Words and pictures by Chris Larder